2016 Honor Student

Dear Graduates,
On behalf of the Admas University Family, I extend sincere congratulations and best of luck to the University’s Class of 2016. You made us successful through your results and achievements. Our journey with you may stop here, but for you, it is the beginning of your life. You have been exceptional representatives of this University. I have no doubt that you will continue to serve as worthy ambassadors for the University. I believe that graduates of the Accounting Department are unique, regardless of your chosen area of practice; all of you have the opportunity to enrich the lives. I urge you to always remember your respective field and the sacrifices that you endured in order to make it happen to serve communities and improve the quality of life.
I would also like to give special thanks to the parents, family and friends of you for their support, both moral and financial, during these challenging years at the University.
There is a new world waiting for you with new success and goals. Wish you successful life!
Kolike Gopal
Head, Accounting Department
It is with great pleasure that I write this message saluting you, the graduating class of 2016, on the occasion of your graduation from this august institution. This is indeed a joyous occasion for all of you and we in the Faculty would like to recognize your accomplishment and share in your success. In the Department of Architecture, we are pleased to have offered you a curriculum that not only provided a solid grounding in theory, but also one which incorporated some of the realities of the workplace through case studies, internships, study tours, workshops. All of the efforts converged to create the well-rounded, successful young women and men we celebrate as the graduating class of 2016!
Sincere and hearty thanks also, as always, to all in our university community for your contributions to our graduating class’s successes. Together we enter another notable page in the history of our Admas University. Once again, my heartiest congratulations to you and best wishes for your future endeavours.
Naga Haritha K. J
Head, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Dear Economics Department graduates of 2016, I am delighted to say congratulations for this special day in your life!
Dear graduates, take few minutes and think about what happened in your life starting from the moment you graduated from high school and your time in the department for the last three years. The challenges you faced to choose a university and then a department, the exams, assignments, writing thesis and presentations, the competitions with your classmates, the transportation and other ups and downs to mention just a few. I hope you felt proud that you challenged these challenges and resulted in this wonderful graduation day.
As I was telling you a number of times, this batch is one of special batches in the Department of Economics. The department, I am sure the University as well, was proud to have you here for the last three years. I have a great confidence in your potential and enthusiasm as a graduate in Economics to contribute a lot for the development of your country. You are now with that energy of being economic analysts, planners, implementers, evaluators of resource utilization and economic development efforts. Moreover, I am confident that most of you will maximize your capacity with further studies.
Graduation is not the end of your experience in the department. It makes the beginning of your relationship as alumni. Don’t forget that the door of the department is open to you whenever you want to come and reignite what these three years have taught you.
Congratulations once again and wish you the best for your future success!
Yimam D. Ali
Head, Economics Department
Dear Graduates!
First and for most I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of myself and the Department of Development Studies to you, your families and everyone who had determinant role in your pursuit of academic endeavor and accomplishment. Next to that, I would like to remind you that today you have stepped on the first layer of your long journey equipped mainly with theoretical tools that are going to make you engineers of your emerging nation, Somaliland. That is why I want to stress that the road is still long and you are just on the beginning. However, your determination to attain your initial dream is proved to be right marked by today, your graduation day. Hence, you need to use this light to clear your further investigation and advancement in academic and career path.
Once again, congratulations for making to this remarkable day and it is also my sincere wish to see you all playing a visible role in all the socially defining activities of Somaliland and the region someday. Admas is you home, and you are our going out ambassadors who are always welcome at any time.
Solomon Wakjira
Head, Department of Development Studies
Congratulations graduates!
Your success is not a surprise! It is well deserved and will give you a chance to spread your wings. You are all great!
You are now in the half way. May your graduation from University be the beginning of a bright future! You will make mistakes and be wounded many times in your life. Do not give up; it is just an experience. I wish you to find your own star and reach for it!
Enjoy your graduation and best wishes with all your plans. In my message, I wish you to set your goals high, and won’t stop till you get there!
Good luck and congratulations!
Ahmed Hashi
Head, ICT Department
My heartiest Congratulations!
On behalf of the Management Department family, I extend sincere congratulations and best of luck to the Management Department graduates, Class of 2016 as the hard work you had put in for the last three years have paid off. You have been exceptional representatives of the Department and the University. I have no doubt that you will continue to serve as worthy ambassadors for the department by building our reputation for excellence. As you embark upon and progress through your careers, I urge you to always remember why you chose your respective field and the sacrifices you endured in order to make it happen: to serve our communities and improve the quality of organizational performance and its members with compassion, honesty and integrity.
I would also like to give special thanks to the parents, spouses, children and friends of yours for their patience, understanding, sacrifices and support – both morale and financial – during these challenging but rewarding years at the University.
Congratulations again to the graduates! The entire Admas University staff and Management Department family are very proud of you.
Take care!
Mohamed Abdi,
Head, Management Department
On behalf of Admas University, Department of Social Work, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the department’s first graduates since its inception in 2013. I admit you have gone through so many difficulties during the three year’s program, but through hard work and determination, you realized your career dreams and finally became social workers.
Considering your knowledge about the ethics, values and principles of social work, I have a great confidence that you will keenly serve for our communities to improve the quality of their lives.
I would also like to offer special thanks to the beloved parents, spouses, relatives and friends of our graduates for their support, sacrifice and understanding they have shown during those challenging, but rewarding, years at the university.
Congratulations again to the graduates of Social Work. The department and the whole Admas Family is proud of you.
Mustafe Artan Yousuf
Head, Department of Social Work